Passing Through is a walking and drawing project developed during ‘lockdown’ specifically for the urban landscape. It was developed at a time when our experience of traveling ‘near to home’ was heightened. The aim of the project was to shift our experience of the choreographic routine of walking in uncertain times and to investigate what drawing can be.

Using repetition, gesture and time as key agents in the drawing process, a series of twelve drawings was developed over twelve days. The field of vision was maintained over the drawer’s feet throughout.

The marks that passed beneath the feet were documented - with the speed and rhythmic cadence of walking dictating the speed and repetition of gestural drawing. Perspective was replaced by a series of layers. Each drawing became a series of gestural lines documenting and mapping the marks that passed underfoot.

Using a reflective approach, a drawing-score was then developed in order to transmit and share the experience with others around the globe. The score asked each artist to make twelve drawings, whilst walking their same route twelve times, in the place they lived. The focus of the artist was on the frame over the feet, where the passing urban landscape was witnessed. Over several months, each artist made 12 drawings (see bottom of page).

Fourteen artists from seven countries collaborated in activating the score. Activators included Mark Clay (, Jo Lewis (, Réjane Lhôte (, Katharina Fitz (, George Dunbar, Nicole Valois, Maud Goldberg ( and Nicole Lenzi ( The resulting 144 drawings (from the UK, USA, Canada and Europe) were collated and brought together in exhibition at Backlit Gallery, Nottingham (see below). Each drawing was elevated by a handmade concrete stand. Over time, the drawings swayed in response to the atmosphere. The back of the drawings were visible and included notes and marks made by the artists.

The project developed out of lockdown and having recently watched Charlie Kaufman’s film I’m Thinking of Ending Things (2020). I become aware there was a similar experience of ‘time passing through’ held within this film and the experience of looking down over my feet as I walked. It was as if I was static and the landscape was moving, the reverse of what was true.

The project is written about in BBDS - Black Book Drawing and Sketching.


